Friday, February 24, 2012

Your Brain Stops Developing At The Age Drug Use Begins. "Camp Kekoa" Continues To Prove This Point

AnonymousDoug McBurney said...
Earth to Danielle... you know it's rude to just ignore someone when they've asked you a serious question. What could possibly lead you to believe someone at DBC turned you in to CPS?
AnonymousGovernment Schools Destroy Children's Minds said...
Hey mcnugget. Isn't it enough you were embarrassed before about communicating with other men's wives? Never learn do you? You will, but not before that ego fails. Take a walk, princess, before your feelings get hurt....again. And take your boyfriends with you.

AnonymousGovernment Schools Destroy Children's Minds said...
Mcnugget's one of those "losers" who didn't provide a character reference letter for CPS when it was requested, same with Enyart and Duffy, Enyart's favorite soft tissue catamite. Mcnugget wanted to debate the issue, instead, as if he was someone important. As for Schofield, the comic book writer, well, we didn't ask him for anything, but for some reason he can't keep his mouth shut like mcnuggs. Schoff must think he's important, too. Eh. But "pain and chaos"? Sweet. Sweeeeet. Thanks for get lost, sweetie, and take that great prayer with you.

AnonymousDoug McBurney said...
I called you to discuss CPS. You didn't call back. How can you expect me to write a character reference when you refuse to communicate? Besides, I didn't know what was going on in your home, and would not vouch for you. And apparently that was the wise choice, 'cause you're obviously mentally ill or deranged, or on more than just a little weed.
...And stop with the veiled threats Curtis, it's not funny, and I'm not some liberal puke that you can push around. I'll only warn you this once to cut it out and be civil.

AnonymousROTFLMAO said...
@Doug McNugget:

 AnonymousGovernment Schools Destroy Children's Minds said...‎*"Doug McBurney** I called you to discuss CPS. You didn't call back. How can you expect me to write a character reference when you refuse to communicate? Besides, I didn't know what was going on in your home, and would not vouch for you. And apparently that was the wise choice, 'cause you're obviously mentally ill or deranged, or on more than just a little weed.

And stop with the veiled threats Curtis, it's not funny, and I'm not some liberal puke that you can push around. I'll only warn you this once to cut it out and be civil.

Huh? Only "warn [me] this once," Mcfly? Or else what? You're gonna lie some more? Oh no! Call social services on us? Go ahead, they're expecting your call. Want the phone number, too? Go ask Enyart; he’s had it since last September. Actually, you're gonna do nothing. That's what. Talk about a "veiled threat." BIG MOUTH, no substance.

"He who guards his mouth preserves his life, But he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction." ~ Proverbs 13:3

Did...did you...did you really say "it's not funny"? Really?

Oh, no, Mcmuffin, it's about as funny as ever, very funny, especially with that lil' limp-wristed comment of yours. Thank you, and *boo hoo* - I feel you. Honestly, it was like manna from heaven for all of us who know that you're an empty skirt and have been for some time. Lots of folks have been *ROTFLMAO*, but I'm too "mentally ill" to understand what that means. Besides, I've been way too distracted rolling on the floor laughing my ass off for the last few days after seeing your weakness be put into YOUR OWN words. Ha! It's way too funny, sister. Way too funny, indeed.

I told you to "Take a walk, princess, before your feelings get hurt....again." But noooo, like a glutton for punishment or that infamous dog who keeps returning for more vomit, you keep blowing that mouth off pretty hard to the point where *it's no longer funny* wah wah, that you're "not some liberal puke that you can push around." Actually, you are a coward, and I am easily pushing you around with nothing more than "mentally ill” words. Ha ha. Yeah, it’s easy because you're a cyber-bully that nobody likes, but everybody likes it when a bully gets his. How does it feel, Mcnutt? It's pretty funny, and people are liking it, trust me. It was probably pretty *funny* when you were cyber-bullying other men's wives, eh? *pushing* them around like *pukes*: "Earth to Danielle." "Only losers run away." Remember that, coward? Apparently, when a man actually calls you out for the sissy that you are, all the sudden "it's not funny" anymore... I beg your pardon? But that's what cultists do, like your *pastor*, you go after the wives because you can't handle it when a man confronts you about being a coward...and a hypocrite...

AnonymousGovernment Schools Destroy Children's Minds said...
...This is GSDCM - we all know how to handle little girl bullies around here. But oh, "It's not funny"? Please, princess. Don't cry on us now. That's just embarrassing.
Speaking of the devil, your criminal cult leading handler Enyart needs to give you girls a new script, because it's obvious none of you can come up with an original thought, especially you. From "paranoid" to "mentally ill," it's been played out like your "Weakass Whorled View" that no one pays any attention to, either. And unlike your criminal *pastor* who's a convicted child-abuser with an affinity for hookers and secretly meeting other men's wives to encourage divorce, we've been exonerated of all the libel, slander and falsely reported allegations against us - no thanks to you and the Apathy which is Denver Bible Cult.
You know what libel is, don't you, Mcmouth? It kinda sounds like you and Enyart on his failing radio program, multiple times, talking about "Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal" ( in between more *dugh* episodes about soft tissue, fishy tales and Tebow. Remember? I bet you do. At the time, it sounded pretty *funny* the way y'all were laughing at each other's jokes. What? You don't agree? Don't think I'm being "civil" enough for your sensitive self? Don't worry, I'll be civil; that's what the courts are for. Is it still *funny*? You betcha.
You don't understand this, (though you should) but eventually, your handler Enyart will *throw you under the bus* WHEN things become even hotter for him and you’re no longer useful. It’s coming, so I can't expect he'd give you any new marching orders about "mental illness" any time soon. Heck, he can't even help himself, that charlatan is paralyzed scared. And I know YOU'RE incapable of anything original because YOU'RE a cultist, so I'll help you out *BRO*: A pervert who likes prostitutes, abuses his girlfriend's son because he won't bathe for *daddy* and then lies about the details and remains unrepentant for his crimes = MENTALLY ILL. You know what also causes mental illness, Mcfly? Crystal meth causes mental illness. Know anything about hittin' the ICE, Mcfly? I don't. Hello? Mcfly? Anyone? I asked you a question. EARTH TO MCFLY? EARTH TO MCFLY?!...

AnonymousGovernment Schools Destroy Children's Minds said...
I may be a little behind the times, but I don't think Colorado offers Medicinal Methamphetamine Cards, eh Mcfly? And please don't go and start lying to cover that up like you lied about some non-existent phone call that you never made to us. I'd rather you'd cry some more before you go lying, again, like nobody knows about your little *not so* secret. Yup, the walls have BIG ears, Mcnutt, but even worse for you and the other hypocrites, the walls have just as many fat mouths with hot heads like yours in that FAILED rumor-mill cult you call a *church.* And, Mcfly, you would've realized it was an email you sent (not a phone call) if you hadn't already been "on the road" for several days tweakin'.
Betcha didn't know that James Craddock doesn't know my family any better than you after ten years. Yet somehow, it was easy for him and his wife to "vouch" for our family with a reference letter without wanting more info that no one, especially you, was entitled to. But you, Mcfly, along with your criminal *pastor* and rest of the Impotence (the elders) who also let it "fall through the cracks" because they were “waiting for the smoke to clear," just fell for the trap of not writing reference letters, altogether. All too easy, still. And like I said: "Mcnugget's one of those 'losers' who didn't provide a character reference letter for CPS when it was requested, same with Enyart and Duffy, Enyart's favorite soft tissue catamite. Mcnugget wanted to debate the issue, instead, as if he was someone important." Guess Craddock and the dozen-or-so others (now mostly *former* members) from your cult who ALSO provided references for us didn't think they were as important as you, Mcswelled-head.
But don't worry, you're still Enyart's 2nd favorite soft tissue catamite. Put that feather in your cap; another penny for your light loafers. I just wanted to make that clear to you since it's clear to us. We all know you've aspired to be in that top position for a number of years now, like how you've aspired to be a "has been" in Enyart's uber-fading shadow. Great job for a man your age, for real.
Don't cry, it's still funny. Ha ha and boo hoo. Chicken Mcnugget can't take his own "medicine," can he? His ego FAILED, like his daddy Enyart's ego last August when I rebuked him for undermining marriages in front of *elder* Gordon Carroll, another useless cultist who lives in fear of Enyart. Don't know anything about that, huh? They do. God-forbid you ask about it and start thinking for yourself. Yeah, you don't know much about anything, but you can certainly mouth-off like a moron without self-control. That's obvious.
Now hear this: Get lost, punk. No one likes you, even Enyart, because you’re a bully who likes to pick on other men’s wives. But you already knew that. Now, it's just more *solid* in that big head, way more solid than you learning that "it's not funny" going after other men's wives. How's that lesson going for you, anyway, McNuggy? Wait, I don't care because I already know; it’s not going well for you at all.
For real, go and do yourself a favor, cut your losses, follow your girlfriend's lead and FINALLY "Take [that] walk, princess, before your feelings get hurt....again." You don’t want more; we all know you don’t want more. I don't wanna make Denver Bible Cult’s favorite red-headed stepchild any *redder* than he already is - some people may think "it's not funny." Know what I mean, Mc? But you're a fool and will probably continue to pop-off at the mouth like a fool. Forget reference letters; we can certainly count on you to mouth-off in another tantrum. Right, boy?..

 AnonymousGovernment Schools Destroy Children's Minds said...
And unlike your two-face, I don't "veil" much of anything. I certainly don't hide behind or take orders from another man like you do with Enyart while pretending to be “my own man.” Weak.

So, for the hundredth time, GO AWAY, and stop acting like an obsessed boyfriend, already. Stalking is not only a crime in Colorado, it's sissy and that’s worse. You've been ditched along with Denver Bible Cult. Fill out a hurt feelings report and deal with it. Bye.

Curtis Kekoa III said...
If you aren't entertained, then you're one of the retarded cultists. Little girls. Altar boys. Impotence. Perpetual adolescents.

‎*In case you missed it....someone gets put in his place after mouthing off for the last time with this comment: "I called you to discuss CPS. You didn't call back. How can you expect me to write a character reference when you refuse to communicate? Besides, I didn't know what was going on in your home, and would not vouch for you. And apparently that was the wise choice, 'cause you're obviously mentally ill or deranged, or on more than just a little weed. And stop with the veiled threats Curtis, it's not funny, and I'm not some liberal puke that you can push around. I'll only warn you this once to cut it out and be civil."
*ROTFLMAO* - Or What???

My Response: That's putting someone into their place? Are we in homeschool time-out? Seriously Curtis, you shouldn't be pointing out your inabilities in public like this.

1 comment:

Dani Kekoa said...


 "Small Foreign Faction" ( founder = SATANIC 666 SERIAL-KILLER & "SHOT-CALLER" ROBERT ADOLPH ENYART | DOB 1-10-59 | SSN 152-60-4382 | FBI # 678532LA7 | CO License # CO368941 -- STILL WAITING FOR THE FBI...

~ VICTORY S.B.T.C = Strangle Bind Torture Children & Shadowgov Breaks The Case


View PoliceRecordingsKekoas Youtube Playlist here:

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